How To Analyse BRM Daily Reports
This course will guide you through the essentials of analyzing your BRM daily reports. You'll learn how to monitor terminal performance, track transaction activity, and meet key performance targets.
Updated Moniepoint POS Features
This course will guide you through the latest updates to Moniepoint's POS system, covering new features, terminal enhancements, and improved processes.
How To Earn From Moniepoint Loans
This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to effectively guide business owners in understanding and utilizing Moniepoint's loan product. Learn how to boost your earnings and commissions as a BRM through Moniepoint Loans!
Protecting Accounts With Moniepoint Two Factor Authentication
In this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Moniepoint’s Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). You will be equipped to guide your BO's through the 2FA setup and ensure they understand the importance of this added security measure.
Relocation Policy
This course will provide you with the necessary knowledge to understand, adhere to, and effectively implement the Moniepoint Inc. Relocation Policy. You will learn the steps required for a seamless state or country relocation.
Code of Conduct Policy
This course will help you understand and follow Moniepoint's Code of Conduct Policy. You will learn about ethical behavior, the importance of following company rules, and how to handle difficult situations in your job.